Laurea in
Fisica Teorica, Torino University, Nov. 30, 1991, grade: 110 cum
CERN Theory Division associate (Cern student program) year 1992.
Fulbright travel fellow (1992-1993) and UCLA Foreign Scholar Award
holder for graduate studies.
Master of
Science in Physics University of California, Los Angeles
December 17, 1993.
(equivalent to Ph.D.) in Theoretical Physics, Scuola Normale
Superiore, Pisa,
Sept. 12, 1998. :
Thesis title: On the Geometry of Inhomogeneous
Quantum Groups. Advisors:
L. Castellani, C. De Concini. Referees: C. De Concini, P. Kulish,
B. Zumino. Grade: 70 cum
Laude /70. The thesis has been published by Scuola Normale
INFN post-doc and CNR matematica research fellow for research at
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and U.C. Berkeley, 3 years (1997 -
Alexander von Humboldt, and Marie-Curie research fellow at Sektion
Physik, Chair Prof. J. Wess, U. Munich (LMU), 3 years (2000 -
Post-doc U. Piemonte Orientale and visiting senior researcher U.
Munich 2 years (2003-2005)
Post-doc U. Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria 1,5 years and holder
of a Marie Curie European Reintegration Grant (ERG) for the
Non-commutative Geometry, Gauge
Theories and Higher Yang Mills Theories with Nonabelian 2-Form
Gauge Potential (2005-2006).
Centro Enrico Fermi "New
Talent" fellow (2006-2009).
Politecnico di Torino, Physics department, research fellow
(3-months 2009-2010).
Post-doc U. Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria since 2010.
Winner of a tenured Researcher Position in Theoretical Physics at U. Piemonte Orientale 3.11.2010. The job start date has been deferred to unknown date because of lack of funds.
More than 60 papers. Co-author of an invited monograph on the research field personally developped (edited by Springer). More than 60 presentations in
conferences and in invited seminars.
Teacher of 5 courses in U. Piemonte Orientale, TA at UCLA,
and at U. Piemonte Orientale. Teacher of 4 minicourses: Corfu 2005,
Modave 2006, Belgrade 2008, Wuerzburg 2009.
Thesis advisor, title: Elettromagnetismo, meccanica quantistica e
topologia, studio fisico e topologico dell'effetto Aharonov-Bohm.
Candidate: S. Delprete U. Piemonte Orientale 2011.
Editor of the international “Journal of General Relativity and Gravitation” (Springer).
Editor of the “International Journal of Geometric Methods in Modern Physics” (World Scientific).
Editor of the international journal “SIGMA (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications)”
Referee for 10 international journals (including JHEP, Class.
Quant. Grav., J. Math. Phys., Phys. Rev. D., Phys. Lett. B,
Annales Henri Poincare) and of a thesis for the european Ph.D.
degree (Spain).
Research experience:
1) Gravity, gauge theories and differential geometry on
noncommutative spacetimes ( *-product deformed, fuzzy, discrete),
2) Higher gauge theories and their underlying bundle gerbe
3) Electric-magnetic duality rotations, supergravity and special
Kaehler geometry,
4) Noncommutative geometry and instantons,
5) Quantum Groups.