FINLAND University of Turku, Department of Economics, Hämeenkatu 6, 20014 Turku, Finland e-mail: 96 "Common Theories" H. Salonen, March 2002 abstract 97 "Nash Equilibria in Normal Form Games" H. Salonen, April 2002 abstract FRANCE Laboratoire d'économétrie de l'ecole polytechnique, 1 rue Descartes, 75005 Paris, France. e-mail: 2002-001 "Stopping games : recent results" E. Solan and N. Vieille abstract 2002-002 "Quitting games - An example" E. Solan and N. Vieille abstract 2002-003 "Stochastic games : recent results" N. Vieille abstract 2002-004 "Stopping games and Ramsey theorem" E. Schmaya, E. Solan and N. Vieille abstract 2002-005 "On a class of recursive games" N. Vieille abstract 2002-006 "On the maxmin value of stochastic games with imperfect monitoring" D. Rosenberg, E. Solan and N. Vieille abstract 2002-007 "Les relations entre producteurs et distributeurs: bilan et limites de trente ans de régulation" M.-L. Allain and C. Chambolle abstract 2002-008 "Formalization and applications of the Precautionary Principle" C. Henry and M. Henry abstract GERMANY Max Planck Institute for Research into Economic Systems, Strategic Interaction Group, Kahlaische Str. 10, 07745 Jena, Germany 01-2002 "Privately Contributing to Public Goods over Time - An Experimental Study" W. Güth, M.V. Levati and A. Stiehler 04-2002 "Putting Limits to Emotional Behavior - An Ultimatum Experiment Varying Threat Efficiency" G. Fellner and W. Güth 15-2002 "Are We Nice(r) to Nice(r) People? An Experimental Analysis" M. Albert, W. Güth, E. Kirchler and B. Maciejovsky 20-2002 "Incentive Contracts versus Trust in Three-Person Ultimatum Games - An Experimental Study" S. Büchner, L. Gonzáles, W. Güth and M.V. Levati 22-2002 "Will Equity Evolve? An Indirect Evolutionary Approach" W. Güth and K. Pull 23-2002 "Inequality Aversion in a Variety of Games - An Indirect Evolutionary Analysis" W. Güth and S. Napel 24-2002 "From Teleology to Evolution Bridging the Gap between Rationality and Adaption in Social Explanation" S. Berninghaus, W. Güth and H. Kliemt 30-2002 "Durable-Goods Monopoly with Privately Known Impatience - A Theoretical and Experimental Study" W. Güth, S. Kröger and H.T. Normann 36-2002 "Asymmetric Auction Experiments With(out) Commonly Known Beliefs" W. Güth, R. Ivanova-Stenzel 38-2002 "Now or Later? - An Analysis of the Timing of Threats in Bargaining" S.K. Berninghaus, W. Güth Universitaet Bielefeld, Institute of Mathematical Economics, Postfach 100131, 33501 Bielefeld, Germany. e-mail: 329 "NTU-prenucleoli" S. Klauke, January 2002 abstract 330 "Moral Property Rights in Bargaining" S. Gächter and A. Riedl, March 2002 abstract 331 "Hypercubes and compromise values for cooperative fuzzy games" R. Branzei, D. Dimitrov and S. Tijs, March 2002 abstract 332 "Convex fuzzy games and participation monotonic allocation schemes" R. Branzei, D. Dimitrov and S. Tijs, March 2002 abstract 333 "Social Choice and Just Institutions: New Perspectives" M. Fleurbaey (fasc. 5, Procedural Approaches to Conflict Resolution), Jul. 2002 abstract 334 "Self-Supporting Liberals and their Cliques: An Axiomatic Characterization" D. Dimitrov and Y. Xu (fasc. 6, Procedural Approaches to Conflict Resolution), Jul. 2002 abstract 335 "Centralized Common Pool Management and Local Community Participation" J. Vyrastekova and D. van Soest (fasc. 7, Procedural Approaches to Conflict Resolution), Jul. 2002 abstract 336 "Cost Sharing in a Joint Project" S. Tijs and R. Branzei (fasc. 8, Procedural Approaches to Conflict Resolution), Jul. 2002 abstract 337 "Egalitarianism in Convex Fuzzy Games" R. Branzei, D. Dimitrov and S. Tijs (fasc. 9, Procedural Approaches to Conflict Resolution), Aug. 2002 abstract 338 "Fuzzy Judgement in Bargaining Games" E. Roszkowska and T.R. Burns (fasc. 10, Procedural Approaches to Conflict Resolution), Aug. 2002 abstract 339 "How to Cope with Division Problems under Interval Uncertainty of Claims?" R. Branzei, D. Dimitrov, S. Pickl and S. Tijs (fasc. 11, Procedural Approaches to Conflict Resolution), Aug. 2002 abstract 340 "Dividing the Indivisible: Procedures for Allocating Cabinet Ministries to Political Parties in a Parliamentary System" S.J. Brams and T.R. Kaplan (fasc. 12, Procedural Approaches to Conflict Resolution), Sep. 2002 abstract ISRAEL The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Center for Rationality and Interactive Decision Theory, Feldman building, Givat Ram, 91904 Jerusalem, Israel e-mail: 272 "Real Algebraic Tools in Stochastic Games" A. Neyman, September 2001 abstract 273 "Predictably Incoherent Judgements" C.R. Sunstein, D. Kahneman, D. Schkade and I. Ritov, October 2001 abstract 274 "On the Unique Extensibility and Surjectivity of Knowledge Structures " R.S. Simon, October 2001 abstract 275 "Locally finite knowledge structures" R. S. Simon, October 2001 abstract 276 "A Value on 'AN'" Jean-Francois Mertens and A. Neyman, November 2001 abstract 277 "Super Majoritarianism and the Endowment Effect" U. Procaccia and U. Segal, November 2001 abstract 278 "Rationalizing Choice Functions by Multiple Rationales" G. Kalai, A. Rubinstein and R. Spiegler, November 2001 abstract 279 "Social Choice and Threshold Phenomena" G. Kalai, November 2001 abstract 280 "A Fourier-Theoretic Perspective for the Condorcet Paradox and Arrow's Theorem" G. Kalai, November 2001 abstract 281 "An Economic Rationale for the Legal Treatment of Omissions in Tort Law" A. Harel and A. Jacob, December 2001 abstract 282 "On the Topological Social Choice Problem" S. Weinberger, January 2002 abstract 283 "Complete Characterization of Acceptable Game Forms by Effectivity Functions" B. Peleg, January 2002 abstract 284 "Long Cheap Talk" R. J. Aumann and S. Hart, January 2002 abstract 285 "On the Misperception of Variability" Y. Kareev, S. Arnon and R. Horwitz-Zeliger, February 2002 abstract 286 "Inequality and Indignation" E. Ullmann-Margalit and C. R. Sunstein, March 2002 abstract 287 "Risk Aversion in The Talmud" Y. Aumann, May 02 abstract 288 "Trial by Polygraph: Reconsidering the Use of the Guilty Knowledge Technique in Court" G. Ben-Shakhar, M. Bar-Hillel and M. Kremnitzer, May 02 abstract 289 "Trust Out of Distrust" E. Ullmann-margalit, May 02 abstract 290 "Against Compromise: A Mechanism Design Approach" A. Klement and Z. Neeman, May 02 abstract 291 "A Note on Revenue Effects of Asymmetry in Private-Value Auctions" T.R. Kaplan and S. Zamir, Feb 02 abstract 292 "On the Existence of Pure Strategy Monotone Equilibria in Asymmetric First-Price Auctions" P.J. Reny and S. Zamir, Jun 02 abstract 293 "Game Theory, Bilbao 2000" R.J. Aumann, July 02 294 "Positive Value of Information in Games" B. Bassan, O. Gossner, M. Scarsini and S. Zamir, August 02 abstract 295 "Stochastic Games: Existence of the MinMax" A. Neyman, August 02 abstract 296 "The Effect of Between-group Communication on Conflict Resolution in the Assurance and Chicken Team Games" G. Bornstein and Z. Gilula, October 02 abstract 297 "Intergroup Conflict: Individual, Group and Collective Interests" G. Bornstein, August 02 abstract 298 "Individual and Group Behavior in the Centipede Game: Are Groups (again) More Rational Players? " G. Bornstein, T. Kugler and A. Ziegelmeyer, September 02 abstract 299 "Uncouples Dynamics Cannot Lead to Nash Equilibrium" S. Hart and A. Mas-Colell, September 02 abstract 300 "Forecasting for Stationary Times Series" G. Morvai and B. Weiss, October 02 abstract 301 "A Permutation Test for Matching" L. Goldstein and Y. Rinott, October 02 abstract 302 "On Stochastic Comparisons of Excess Times" B. Bassan, Y. Rinott and Y. Vardi, October 02 abstract 303 "Repeated Price Competition Between Individuals" G. Bornstein, D.V. Budescu and T. Kugler, November 02 abstract 304 "Betting on the Outcomes of Measurements: A Bayesian Theory of Quantum Probability" I. Pitowsky, November 02 abstract 305 "Monotone Regrouping, Regression, and Simpson's Paradox" Y. Rinott and M. Tam, December 02 abstract JAPAN Kyoto University, Institute of Economic Research, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan 534 "Riskless versus Risky Bargaining Procedures: the Aumann-Rot Controversy Revisited," M. Montero and A. Okada, November 2001 536 "Stochastic Stability of Group Formation in Collective Action Games," T. Maruta and A. Okada, December 2001 POLAND Institute of Applied Mathematics, University of Warsaw, Banacha 2 02-097 Warsaw, Poland 1. "Evolutionary and Asymptotic Stability in Multi-Player Games with Two Strategies" M. Bukowski and J. Miekisz abstract 2. "Long-Run Behavior of Stochastic Evolutionary Games with Many Players" J. Miekisz abstract THE NETHERLANDS Tilburg University, CentER for Economic Research, Warandelaan 2, P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands e-mail: DP02-4 "The Shapley value for partition function form games" K.H. Pham Do and H. Norde abstract DP02-5 "Social preference in three-player ultimatum game experiments" A. Riedl and J. Vyrastekova abstract DP02-6 "Efficiency versus risk dominance in an evolutionary model with cheap talk" J. Vyrastekova abstract DP02-13 "Convex fuzzy games and participation monotonic allocation schemes" R. Branzei, D. Dimitrov and S. Tijs abstract DP02-14 "Hypercubes and compromise values for cooperative fuzzy games" R. Branzei, D. Dimitrov and S. Tijs abstract DP02-15 "Cooperation by asymmetric agents in a joint project" R. Branzei, E. Inarra, S. Tijs and J.M. Zarzuelo abstract DP02-17 "Approximate fixed point theorems in Banach spaces with applications in game theory" R. Branzei, J. Morgan, V. Scalzo and S. Tijs abstract DP02-18 "Discretization of information collecting situations and continuity of compensation rules" R. Branzei, F. Scotti, S. Tijs and A. Torre abstract DP02-21 "Optimal auctions with financial externalities" E. Maasland and S. Onderstal abstract DP02-22 "Auctions with financial externalities" E. Maasland and S. Onderstal abstract DP02-23 "'Be nice, unless it pays to fight' : a new theory of price determination with implications for competition policy" J. Boone abstract DP02-26 "Two-stage bargaining with reversible coalitions : the case of apex games" M. Montero abstract DP02-33 "Auctions for extra capacity in an oligopolistic market with network effects" S. Onderstal abstract DP02-34 "Socially optimal mechanisms" S. Onderstal abstract DP02-35 "The chopstick auction" S. Onderstal abstract DP02-37 "An experimental analysis of optimal renewable resource management : the fishery" J.D. Hey, T. Neugebauer and A. Sadrieh abstract DP02-38 "Fairness, public good, and emotional aspects of punishment behavior" K. Abbink, A. Sadrieh and S. Zamir abstract DP02-39 "How to play 3X3-games : a strategy method experiment" R. Selten, K. Abbink, J. Buchta and A. Sadrieh abstract DP02-40 "On smiles, winks, and handshake as coordination devices" P. Manzini, A. Sadrieh and N.J. Vriend abstract DP02-44 "The effectiveness of caps on political lobbying" M. Matejka, S. Onderstal and A. De Waegenaere abstract DP02-49 "On the balancedness of relaxed sequencing games" B. van Velzen and H. Hamers abstract DP02-51 "Drop out monotonic rules for sequencing situations" C. Fernandez, R. Hendrickx and S. Tijs abstract DP02-53 "Convexity and marginal vectors" B. van Velzen, H. Hamers and H. Norde abstract DP02-55 "Auctions with options to re-auction" S. Grant, A. Kajii, F. Menezes and M.J. Ryan abstract DP02-59 "On strategy and relative skill in poker" M. Dreef, P. Borm and B. van der Genugten abstract DP02-70 "Spillovers and strategic cooperative behavior" J. Thijssen, R. Hendrickx and P. Borm abstract DP02-72 "The Dutch UMTS-auction" E. van Damme abstract DP02-79 "On the Nash bargaining solution with noise" W. Güth, K. Ritzberger and E. van Damme abstract DP02-81 "Symmetric equilibrium strategies in game theoretical real option models" J.J.J. Thijssen, K.J.M. Huisman, and P.M. Kort abstract DP02-83 "The constrained equal award rule for bankruptcy problems with a priori unions" B. Casas-Mendez, P. Borm, L. Carpente and R. Hendrickx abstract DP02-88 "Inheritance of properties in ntu communication situations" R. Hendrickx abstract DP02-96 "How to cope with division problems under interval uncertainty of claims?" R. Branzei, D. Dimitrov, S. Pickl and S. Tijs abstract DP02-97 "Egalitarianism in convex fuzzy games" R. Branzei, D. Dimitrov and S. Tijs abstract DP02-100 "The European UMTS-auction" E. van Damme abstract DP02-108 "Perfection and stability of stationary points with applications to noncooperative games" G. van der Laan, D. Talman and Z. Yang abstract DP02-109 "Multiple fund investment situations and related games" S. Wintein, P. Borm, R. Hendrickx and M. Quant abstract DP02-112 "On the convexity of precedence sequencing games" H. Hamers, F. Klijn and B. van Velzen abstract DP02-113 "Characterizations of solutions in digraph competitions" M. Quant, P. Borm, H. Reijnierse and M. Voorneveld abstract SPAIN Department of Applied Economics IV, Basque Country University, Avda. Lehendakari Aguirre 83, 48015 Bilbao, Spain. email: 20 "Factorial decomposability of some measures of relative equality" M.C. Lasso de la Vega and A.M. Urrutia, February 2002 24 "Serial Cost Sharing Mechanisms in the Heterogeneous Case" E. Calvo and J.C. Santos, October 2002 25 "Axiomatization of Owen Value without Efficiency" M.J. Albizuri, October 2002 26 "Assessment of Voting Situations: The Probabilistic Foundations" A. Laruelle and F. Valenciano, October 2002 27 "Potential, Value and Probability" A. Laruelle and F. Valenciano, October 2002 USA Northwestern University, The Center for Mathematical Studies in Economics and Management Science, Evanston IL 60208, USA download 1333 "Majority Preference for Subsidies over Redistribution" D. Austen-Smith, December 2001 1337 "On the Max Min Value of Stochastic Games with Imperfect Monitoring" E. Solan, D. Rosenberg and N. Vieille, December 2001 1338 "Controlling Price Volatility Through Financial Innovation" A. Citanna and K. Schmedders, January 2002 1339 "Ex-Post Incentive Compatible Mechanism Design" J. C. Ely and Kim-Sau Chung, February 2002 1340 "Price Caps and Uncertain Demands" R.L. Earle, K. Schmedders and T. Tatur, March 2002 1341 "Stochastic Games with Imperfect Monitoring" D. Rosenberg, E. Solan and N. Vieille, March 2002 1342 "Perturbed Markov Chains" E. Solan and N. Vieille, March 2002 1343 "Optimal Rules for Patent Races" K. Judd and K. Schmedders, April 2002 1344 "On the MaxMin Value of Stochastic Games with Imperfect Monitoring" D. Rosenberg, E. Solan and N. Vieille, December 2001 1345 "Approximating a Sequence of Approximations by a Simple Process" D. Rosenberg, E. Solan and N. Vieille, March 2002 1346 "Stochastic Games with a Single Controller and Incomplete Information" D. Rosenberg, E. Solan and N. Vieille, May 2002 1347 "Two Player Non Zero-Sum Stopping Games in Discrete Time" E. Shmaya and E. Solan, May 2002 1348 "Bad Reputation" J.C. Ely and J. Valimaki, May 2002 1349 "Local Conventions" J.C. Ely, 2002 1350 "Large Robust Games" E. Kalai, March 2002 1351 "Ex-Post Stability in Large Games" E. Kalai, September 2001 1352 "Peer Pressure and Job Market Signaling" D. Austen-Smith, revised January 2002 1353 "Designing Optimal Benefit Rules for Flexible Retirement" P. Eso and A. Simonovits, September 2002 1354 "Stopping Games in Continuous Time" R. Laraki and E. Solan, August 2002 1355 "Deterministic Multi-Player Dynkin Games" E. Solan and N. Vieille, September 2002 1356 "Subgame-Perfection in Quitting Games with Perfect Information and Differential Equations" E. Solan, September 2002 1357 "Bribing and Signalling in Second Price Auctions" P. Eso and J. Schummer, October 2002 1358 "When is Reputation Bad? " J. Ely, D. Fudenberg and D. Levine, October 2002 1359 "Deliberation and Voting Rules" David Austen-Smith and Tim Feddersen, November 2002 1360 "The Inferiority of Deliberation Under Unanimity" D. Austen-Smith and T. Feddersen, December 2002 1361 "Optimal Information Disclosure in Auctions: The Handicap Auction" P. Eso and B. Szentes, December 2002
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