Giovanni Manzini

Department of Science and Technological Innovation
University of Piemonte Orientale "Amedeo Avogadro"
Viale T. Michel, 11 - 15121 - Alessandria - Italy
Telephone: | +39 0131 360 173 |
Faximile: | +39 0131 360 198 |
Email: | |
I received my PhD in Mathematics from the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa. I have been Visiting Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Visiting Professor the Johns Hopkins University and the University of Melbourne. I am currently Professor of Computer Science at the University of Eastern Piedmont and research associate at the Institute of Informatics and Telematics of the National Research Council. Full CV.
My current research interest is the design of algorithms and data structures for solving theoretical and applied problems in the fields of Data Compression and Indexing Data Structures for Massive Data Sets.
Please check my page at DBLP, my ORCID page, or my institutional repository. If you believe in statistics, here is my personal profile at Google Scholar.
The following recent publications are still under embargo for the institutional repository; you can download the self archived published version here:
- Lightweight merging of compressed indices based on BWT variants (Theoretical Computer Science 2020)
- The Alternating BWT: An algorithmic perspective (Theoretical Computer Science 2020)
- Practical Random Access to SLP-Compressed Texts (SPIRE 2020)
Software Projects
Together with colleagues and students I have developed many software projects related to my research. My current major projects are BigBWT, a tool for the construction of very large BWTs for inputs with many repetitions, and BigRePair a grammar compressor for huge datasets.
Previous projects include a compressed index for the order preserving matching problem, and the Gap and eGap algorithms for the computation of the BWT and LCP array for a collection of sequences. A related project is a family of lightweight algorithms for the computation of the Suffix Array and the LCP Array, possibly in external memory. Although these algorithms are no longer the state-of-the-art, they were the first designed to use a small working space without sacrificing speed, an approach later followed by all the most successful suffix array construction algorithms.
Older projects are a Compression Booster based on the Burrows-Wheeler Transform, a Simple and Fast DNA Compression Algorithm, and two algorithms for the bandwidth minimization problem cited by Knuth in the book: Selected Papers on Analysis of Algorithms.
Professional Services
Invited speaker at the conferences DCC '19, CPM '17, WCTA '11, IWOCA '09 and MFCS '99, and invited lecturer at the 2008 Lipari School on Algorithms: Science and Engineering. I have served as program co-chair for the CPM '11 conference, and on the program committee of the conferences SPIRE '20, ICTCS '20, CPM '20, SPIRE '17, CPM '16, IWOCA '15, WSDM '15, WABI '14, AlCoB '14, WABI '13, LATIN '12, SPIRE '10, SPIRE '08, ICTCS '07, SPIRE '07, SPIRE '06, CPM '05, and others. I was co-organizer of the DIMACS Workshop: The Burrows-Wheeler Transform: Ten Years Later, and guest editor of Special Issues of Theoretical Computer Science devoted to the Burrows-Wheeler Transform and its Applications, and Combinatorial Pattern Matching.
This year I am teaching Advanced C Programming and Information Retrieval. Over the years I had the opportunity of teaching a large number of subjects including Introduction to Programming, Object Oriented Programming, Concurrent Programming, Discrete Mathematics, Bioinformatics, Mobile Applications Development, Algorithms and Data Structures, Cryptography, Computational Mathematics, Calculus, Numerical Analysis.