Giorgio Malacarne

Università del Piemonte Orientale
Dipartimento di Scienze e Innovazione Tecnologica
viale T. Michel 11 - 15121 - Alessandria - Italia
Telefono: | +39 0131 360 275 |
Fax: | +39 0131 360 243 |
Email: | giorgio.malacarne© |
Dubé L.,
Clairambault P. & Malacarne G. (1990) Striatal affrerents in the
newt Triturus cristatus. Brain Behav. Evol. 35 : 212-226.
Lodi E. & Malacarne G. (1990) Reproductive behavior of the spined loach Cobitis taenia L Annales des Sciences naturelles 11: 107-111.
Lodi E. & Malacarne G. (1991) Differences in sexual behavior between 2phenotypic states of the spined loach Cobitis taenia L. JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY 38: 321-323.
Malacarne G. & Cucco M. (1990). Shifts in sound features of the duetting Pallid Swifts Apus pallidus. Boll. Zool. 57:51-53.
Malacarne G. & Cucco M. (1991). Chick mortality and hatching asynchrony in the Pallid Swifts Apus pallidus. Avocetta 15: 19-24.
Malacarne G., Cucco M. & Camanni S. (1991). Coordinated visual displays and vocal duetting in different ecological situations among Western Palearctic non-passerine birds. Ethol. Ecol. & Evol. 3:207-219.
Cucco M., Malacarne G., Orecchia G. & Boano G. (1992). Influence of weather condition on Pallid Swift Apus pallidus breeding success. Ecography 15:184-189.
Malacarne G., Cucco M. & Orecchia G. (1992). Nest attendance, parental roles and breeding success in the Pallid Swift. Vogelwarte 36:203-210.
Cucco M., Bryant D.M. & Malacarne G. (1993). Differences in the diet of the Common (Apus apus) and Pallid (A. pallidus) Swifts. Avocetta 17:131-138.
Boano G., Cucco M., Malacarne G. & Orecchia G. (1993). Survival rate and mate fidelity in the Pallid Swift. Avocetta 17: 189-197.
Malacarne G., Cucco M. & Bertolo E. (1994). Sibling competition in asynchronously hatched broods of the Pallid Swift (Apus pallidus). Ethol. Ecol. & Evol. 6:293-300.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1995). Increase of parental effort in experimentally enlarged broods of Pallid Swifts. Canadian Journal Zoology 73:1387-1395.
Malacarne G. & Cucco M. (1996). Adattamenti riproduttivi nel rondone pallido. Le Scienze (ed. it. Scientific American) 332, aprile 1996, 76-82.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1996). Effect of food availability on nestling growth and fledging success in manipulated Pallid Swift broods. Journal Zoology London 240: 141-151.
Mazzotto M., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1996). Cohabitation et ségrégation chez les Martinets pâle (Apus pallidus) et alpins (Apus melba) en colonies mixtes de la côte méditerrannéenne. Nos Oiseaux 43: 337-344.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1996). Factors affecting egg mass in the Pallid Swift Apus pallidus. Bird Study 43: 314-319.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1996). Reproduction of the Pallid Swift (Apus pallidus) in relation to weather and aerial insect abundance. It. Journal Zool. 63: 47-253.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1997). The effect of supplemental food on time budget and body condition in the Black Redstart. Ardea 85: 211-221.
Acquarone C., Baiardi R., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1998). Variation of body mass in Moorhens Gallinula chloropus wintering in a temperate area. Revue Ecologie Terre Vie 53: 353-365.
Cucco M., Lingua G., Bocchio D., Acquarone C. & Malacarne G. (1999). Sex identification in the moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) by flow cytometry and morphometric analysis. It. Journal Zool. 66: 1-6.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1999). Is the song of Black Redstart males an honest signal of status? Condor 101: 689-694.
Acquarone C., Baiardi R., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1998). Variation of body mass in Moorhens Gallinula chloropus wintering in a temperate area. Revue Ecologie Terre Vie 53: 353-365.
Cucco M., Lingua G., Bocchio D., Acquarone C. & Malacarne G. (1999). Sex identification in the moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) by flow cytometry and morphometric analysis. It. Journal Zool. 66: 1-6.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1999). Is the song of Black Redstart males an honest signal of status? Condor 101: 689-694.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2000). Delayed maturation in passerine birds: an examination of plumage effects and some indications of a related effect in song. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 12: 291-308.
Acquarone C., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2001). Daily and seasonal activity pattern of Moorhens (Gallinula chloropus) studied by motion-sensitive transmitters. Waterbirds 24: 1-7.
Acquarone C., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2001). Body condition, immunocompetent organs, and blood parameters in the Hooded Crow. Israel J. Zool. 47: 287-294.
Acquarone C., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2001). Short-term effects on body condition and size of immunocompetent organs in the hooded crow. It. J. Zool. 68: 195-199.
Fenoglio S., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2002). Bill colour and body condition in the Moorhen Gallinula chloropus. Bird Study 49: 89-92.
Acquarone C., Cucco M., Li Cauli S. & Malacarne G. (2002). Effects of food abundance and predictability on body condition and health parameters: experimental tests with the Hooded Crow. Ibis 144:155-163.
Cucco M., Ottonelli R., Raviola M. & Malacarne G. (2002). Variations of body mass and immune function in response to food unpredictability in magpies. Acta Oecologica 23: 271-276.
Acquarone C., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2002). Annual variation of immune condition in the Hooded Crow Corvus corone cornix. Journal für Ornithologie 143: 351-355.
Fenoglio S., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2002). The effect of a carotenoid-rich diet on immunocompetence and behavioural performances in the Moorhen chicks. Ethol. Ecol. & Evol. 14: 149-156.
Fenoglio S., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2003). Moorhen females lay eggs of different size and ß-carotene content. Ardea 91: 117-121.
Acquarone C., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2003). Reproduction of the Crag Martin in relation to weather and colony size. Ornis Fennica 80: 79-85.
Fenoglio S., Cucco M., Fracchia L., Martinotti M.G. & Malacarne G. (2004) Shield colours of the Moorhen are differently related to bacterial load and health parameters. Ethol. Ecol. & Evol. 16: 171-180.
Acquarone C., Cucco M., Malacarne G. & Silvano F. (2004) Temporary shift of body size in hooded crows Corvus corone cornix of NW Italy. Folia Zool. 53: 379-384.
Cucco M., Malacarne G., Ottonelli R. & Patrone M. (2006) Repeatability of cell-mediated and innate immunity, and other fitness-related traits, in the Grey Partridge. Can. J. Zool. 84: 72-79.
Cucco M., Guasco B., Malacarne G. & Ottonelli R. (2006) Effects of ß-carotene supplementation on chick growth, immune status and behaviour in the grey partridge, Perdix perdix. Behavioural Processes 73: 325-332.
Cucco M., Guasco B., Malacarne G. & Ottonelli R. (2007) Effects of ß-carotene on adult immune condition and antibacterial activity in the eggs of the Grey Partridge, Perdix perdix. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 147: 1038-1046.
Cucco M., Guasco B., Malacarne G., Ottonelli R. & Tanvez A. (2008) Yolk testosterone levels and dietary carotenoids influence growth and immunity of grey partridge chicks. Gen. Comp. Endocr. 156: 418-425.
Cucco M., Guasco B., Ottonelli R., Balbo V. & Malacarne G. (2009) The influence of temperature on egg composition in the grey partridge Perdix perdix. Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 21: 63-77.
Garcia-Fernandez V., Amy M., Lacroix A., Malacarne G. & Leboucher, G. (2010) Eavesdropping on male singing interactions leads to differential allocation in eggs. Ethology 116: 662–670.
Garcia-Fernandez V., Guasco B., Tanvez A., Lacroix A., Cucco M., Leboucher G. & Malacarne G. (2010) Influence of mating preferences on yolk testosterone in the Grey Partridge, Perdix perdix. Animal Behaviour 80: 45-49.
Cucco M., Pellegrino I. & Malacarne G. (2010) Immune Challenge Affects Female Condition and Egg Size in the Grey Partridge. J. Exp. Zool. A 313: 597-604.
Cucco M., Grenna M., Pellegrino I. & Malacarne G. (2011) Egg-sequence rather than mating preference influences female egg investment in the red-legged partridge. Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 23: 343-357.
Cucco M., Grenna M., Pellegrino I. & Malacarne G. (2011) Effects of immune challenge and supernormal clutch production on egg quality in the red-legged partridge. Evol. Ecol. Res. 13: 269-282.
Tizzani P., Negri E., Silvano F, Malacarne G., Meneguz P.G. (2012) Does the use of playback affect the estimated numbers of red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa? Anim. Biodiv. and Conserv. 35: 429-435.
Cucco M., Grenna M., & Malacarne G. (2011) Female condition, egg shape and hatchability: a study on the grey partridge. J. Zool. 287: 186-194.
Garcia-Fernandez V., Draganoiu T.I., Ung D., Lacroix A., Malacarne G. & Leboucher G. (2013) Female canaries invest more in response to an exaggerated male trait. Anim. Behav. 85: 679-684.
Negri A., Pellegrino I., Mucci N., Randi E., Tizzani P., Meneguz P.G. & Malacarne, G. (2013) Mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite markers evidence a different pattern of hybridization in red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) populations from NW Italy. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59: 407-419.
Lodi E. & Malacarne G. (1990) Reproductive behavior of the spined loach Cobitis taenia L Annales des Sciences naturelles 11: 107-111.
Lodi E. & Malacarne G. (1991) Differences in sexual behavior between 2phenotypic states of the spined loach Cobitis taenia L. JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY 38: 321-323.
Malacarne G. & Cucco M. (1990). Shifts in sound features of the duetting Pallid Swifts Apus pallidus. Boll. Zool. 57:51-53.
Malacarne G. & Cucco M. (1991). Chick mortality and hatching asynchrony in the Pallid Swifts Apus pallidus. Avocetta 15: 19-24.
Malacarne G., Cucco M. & Camanni S. (1991). Coordinated visual displays and vocal duetting in different ecological situations among Western Palearctic non-passerine birds. Ethol. Ecol. & Evol. 3:207-219.
Cucco M., Malacarne G., Orecchia G. & Boano G. (1992). Influence of weather condition on Pallid Swift Apus pallidus breeding success. Ecography 15:184-189.
Malacarne G., Cucco M. & Orecchia G. (1992). Nest attendance, parental roles and breeding success in the Pallid Swift. Vogelwarte 36:203-210.
Cucco M., Bryant D.M. & Malacarne G. (1993). Differences in the diet of the Common (Apus apus) and Pallid (A. pallidus) Swifts. Avocetta 17:131-138.
Boano G., Cucco M., Malacarne G. & Orecchia G. (1993). Survival rate and mate fidelity in the Pallid Swift. Avocetta 17: 189-197.
Malacarne G., Cucco M. & Bertolo E. (1994). Sibling competition in asynchronously hatched broods of the Pallid Swift (Apus pallidus). Ethol. Ecol. & Evol. 6:293-300.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1995). Increase of parental effort in experimentally enlarged broods of Pallid Swifts. Canadian Journal Zoology 73:1387-1395.
Malacarne G. & Cucco M. (1996). Adattamenti riproduttivi nel rondone pallido. Le Scienze (ed. it. Scientific American) 332, aprile 1996, 76-82.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1996). Effect of food availability on nestling growth and fledging success in manipulated Pallid Swift broods. Journal Zoology London 240: 141-151.
Mazzotto M., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1996). Cohabitation et ségrégation chez les Martinets pâle (Apus pallidus) et alpins (Apus melba) en colonies mixtes de la côte méditerrannéenne. Nos Oiseaux 43: 337-344.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1996). Factors affecting egg mass in the Pallid Swift Apus pallidus. Bird Study 43: 314-319.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1996). Reproduction of the Pallid Swift (Apus pallidus) in relation to weather and aerial insect abundance. It. Journal Zool. 63: 47-253.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1997). The effect of supplemental food on time budget and body condition in the Black Redstart. Ardea 85: 211-221.
Acquarone C., Baiardi R., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1998). Variation of body mass in Moorhens Gallinula chloropus wintering in a temperate area. Revue Ecologie Terre Vie 53: 353-365.
Cucco M., Lingua G., Bocchio D., Acquarone C. & Malacarne G. (1999). Sex identification in the moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) by flow cytometry and morphometric analysis. It. Journal Zool. 66: 1-6.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1999). Is the song of Black Redstart males an honest signal of status? Condor 101: 689-694.
Acquarone C., Baiardi R., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1998). Variation of body mass in Moorhens Gallinula chloropus wintering in a temperate area. Revue Ecologie Terre Vie 53: 353-365.
Cucco M., Lingua G., Bocchio D., Acquarone C. & Malacarne G. (1999). Sex identification in the moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) by flow cytometry and morphometric analysis. It. Journal Zool. 66: 1-6.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (1999). Is the song of Black Redstart males an honest signal of status? Condor 101: 689-694.
Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2000). Delayed maturation in passerine birds: an examination of plumage effects and some indications of a related effect in song. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 12: 291-308.
Acquarone C., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2001). Daily and seasonal activity pattern of Moorhens (Gallinula chloropus) studied by motion-sensitive transmitters. Waterbirds 24: 1-7.
Acquarone C., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2001). Body condition, immunocompetent organs, and blood parameters in the Hooded Crow. Israel J. Zool. 47: 287-294.
Acquarone C., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2001). Short-term effects on body condition and size of immunocompetent organs in the hooded crow. It. J. Zool. 68: 195-199.
Fenoglio S., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2002). Bill colour and body condition in the Moorhen Gallinula chloropus. Bird Study 49: 89-92.
Acquarone C., Cucco M., Li Cauli S. & Malacarne G. (2002). Effects of food abundance and predictability on body condition and health parameters: experimental tests with the Hooded Crow. Ibis 144:155-163.
Cucco M., Ottonelli R., Raviola M. & Malacarne G. (2002). Variations of body mass and immune function in response to food unpredictability in magpies. Acta Oecologica 23: 271-276.
Acquarone C., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2002). Annual variation of immune condition in the Hooded Crow Corvus corone cornix. Journal für Ornithologie 143: 351-355.
Fenoglio S., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2002). The effect of a carotenoid-rich diet on immunocompetence and behavioural performances in the Moorhen chicks. Ethol. Ecol. & Evol. 14: 149-156.
Fenoglio S., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2003). Moorhen females lay eggs of different size and ß-carotene content. Ardea 91: 117-121.
Acquarone C., Cucco M. & Malacarne G. (2003). Reproduction of the Crag Martin in relation to weather and colony size. Ornis Fennica 80: 79-85.
Fenoglio S., Cucco M., Fracchia L., Martinotti M.G. & Malacarne G. (2004) Shield colours of the Moorhen are differently related to bacterial load and health parameters. Ethol. Ecol. & Evol. 16: 171-180.
Acquarone C., Cucco M., Malacarne G. & Silvano F. (2004) Temporary shift of body size in hooded crows Corvus corone cornix of NW Italy. Folia Zool. 53: 379-384.
Cucco M., Malacarne G., Ottonelli R. & Patrone M. (2006) Repeatability of cell-mediated and innate immunity, and other fitness-related traits, in the Grey Partridge. Can. J. Zool. 84: 72-79.
Cucco M., Guasco B., Malacarne G. & Ottonelli R. (2006) Effects of ß-carotene supplementation on chick growth, immune status and behaviour in the grey partridge, Perdix perdix. Behavioural Processes 73: 325-332.
Cucco M., Guasco B., Malacarne G. & Ottonelli R. (2007) Effects of ß-carotene on adult immune condition and antibacterial activity in the eggs of the Grey Partridge, Perdix perdix. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A 147: 1038-1046.
Cucco M., Guasco B., Malacarne G., Ottonelli R. & Tanvez A. (2008) Yolk testosterone levels and dietary carotenoids influence growth and immunity of grey partridge chicks. Gen. Comp. Endocr. 156: 418-425.
Cucco M., Guasco B., Ottonelli R., Balbo V. & Malacarne G. (2009) The influence of temperature on egg composition in the grey partridge Perdix perdix. Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 21: 63-77.
Garcia-Fernandez V., Amy M., Lacroix A., Malacarne G. & Leboucher, G. (2010) Eavesdropping on male singing interactions leads to differential allocation in eggs. Ethology 116: 662–670.
Garcia-Fernandez V., Guasco B., Tanvez A., Lacroix A., Cucco M., Leboucher G. & Malacarne G. (2010) Influence of mating preferences on yolk testosterone in the Grey Partridge, Perdix perdix. Animal Behaviour 80: 45-49.
Cucco M., Pellegrino I. & Malacarne G. (2010) Immune Challenge Affects Female Condition and Egg Size in the Grey Partridge. J. Exp. Zool. A 313: 597-604.
Cucco M., Grenna M., Pellegrino I. & Malacarne G. (2011) Egg-sequence rather than mating preference influences female egg investment in the red-legged partridge. Ethol. Ecol. Evol. 23: 343-357.
Cucco M., Grenna M., Pellegrino I. & Malacarne G. (2011) Effects of immune challenge and supernormal clutch production on egg quality in the red-legged partridge. Evol. Ecol. Res. 13: 269-282.
Tizzani P., Negri E., Silvano F, Malacarne G., Meneguz P.G. (2012) Does the use of playback affect the estimated numbers of red-legged partridge Alectoris rufa? Anim. Biodiv. and Conserv. 35: 429-435.
Cucco M., Grenna M., & Malacarne G. (2011) Female condition, egg shape and hatchability: a study on the grey partridge. J. Zool. 287: 186-194.
Garcia-Fernandez V., Draganoiu T.I., Ung D., Lacroix A., Malacarne G. & Leboucher G. (2013) Female canaries invest more in response to an exaggerated male trait. Anim. Behav. 85: 679-684.
Negri A., Pellegrino I., Mucci N., Randi E., Tizzani P., Meneguz P.G. & Malacarne, G. (2013) Mitochondrial DNA and microsatellite markers evidence a different pattern of hybridization in red-legged partridge (Alectoris rufa) populations from NW Italy. European Journal of Wildlife Research 59: 407-419.